Sunday, January 30, 2011

.....letting go

When we try to fix things and they keep getting broken, we tend not to bother and just leave them as they are or leave them abandoned.
We can only try so hard. Its like having that car you love sooooo much and made so many memories with. Its hard to throw away even when all it does is cause trouble. You get it fixed for so much and drive just a little. One minute you're enjoying your evening drive and the next, you're pulled over on the side,hood open, diagnosing and trying to get it back on the road.
Our attachment to it coupled with the uncertainty& emptiness that comes with letting go holds us back. I often find it rather confusing how the heart works. It holds on to any and everything that comes its way; it just clings on. Most often we are unable to let go until we replace the objects that it holds on to. A new car foes....its endless. There's secretly a place for everything in our heart; and when its not there, we feel the pain of its emptiness.
But this makes it hard for us to let go of even the things that are starting to wither and die,because there's a unique void that things and people create.
In our bid not to let go, we fix and fix and fix some more; so much so that we become experts at fixing it. Then we develop a system that works, but for a while, and then we're back into the problem. Sometimes when its working out all fine for long,we might even start to expect it to go wrong. We wonder "how much longer will this good time last?"
Eventually we'll have to brave out our hurt and let go. We'll miss the object of our affection but in the end it'll all feel better when driving that new car.