Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Ode to You (The Rush #2)

Not knowing what to say tells me there's too much to say, I struggle to find words, because they can hardly convey the thoughts that build up within.
I flutter with smiles thinking about you, how you sipped in its hard to tell,
But like a spring, you're indwelling; like a stream you keep flowing...I clear my head of all thoughts and try to focus on what is before me, but my mind finds its way back to you. Once it touches on you, it doesn't let go.

I grab hold of my phone every minute, whether it beeps or not, I check for a message from you. I think of what to say everytime, because I try to pace myself. I'm trying not to get swallowed into the rush that comes; but the more I fight it, your name rings in, your face flashes through my thoughts, and that smile...oh, the smile! A smile I cannot understand nor get enough of, a smile that steals words from my mouth and leaves me gawking at you.

I look for words or babble a lot when I'm around you... part of me's nervous, hoping I don't say something wrong, another part is lost in the rush that comes as I stare into your eyes. I find I cannot say goodbye when we talk or chat, my mind tunes into you, your words, your voice and your smile and stays glued on it. Sleep runs away, obligations are put on hold...this is what matters, YOU.

My mind checks up on you all the time, endless thoughts of you cloud my thinking, all that makes sense is how lost I get with each sound of your voice and each thought that glances my mind. The more words I write, the harder it is to stop, thoughts of you become endless this way, even though noone would understand, my pen and paper seem to. Others would think I'm a lost cause but these inanimate tools, lifeless as they are, pour out words that, though are not everything, but still convey a message about you.